5 Tips To Reduce Your Space Heater Electricity Usage

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As the colder months approach, many Australians turn to space heaters to keep their homes warm and comfortable. While space heaters are effective at heating single rooms, they can also significantly increase your electricity bill if not used efficiently. Understanding how much electricity space heaters use and implementing energy-efficient practices can help reduce costs.

According to consumer website Canstar, the average space heater consumes between 1.8 and 2.1 kilowatts of electricity per hour. This can lead to substantial energy bills, especially if used for extended periods. By following a few simple tips, you can manage your space heater’s electricity usage and save money on your energy bill.

Tip 1: Choose the Right Space Heater

When selecting an electric heater, it’s essential to consider the type that best suits your needs to optimise energy efficiency and reduce electricity costs.

Electric space heaters come in a variety of options, including:

  • Fan heaters
  • Convection heaters
  • Radiant heaters
  • Oil column heaters
  • Ceramic heaters

Each option has varying energy consumption rates. Understanding the power rating and how many watts each heater uses can help you choose a model that aligns with your energy-saving goals.

Compare Features and Energy Efficiency

Electric heaters come with different features that impact their efficiency and cost to run. Energy star-certified models, for instance, typically ensure lower electricity consumption and reduced energy costs. These heaters are designed to use less energy, making them ideal for those looking to save money on their electric bills. Additionally, selecting a heater with a thermostat and low setting options allows for better control over power consumption and overall energy usage.

While using a space heater can be cost-effective for heating a single room, it’s important to avoid over-reliance. For larger rooms or entire houses, installing ducted or central heating may be more energy efficient in the long run. By choosing the right electric space heater and using it wisely, you can enjoy a warm home without significantly increasing your monthly electric bill.

Two sets of feet up against an electric space heater

Tip 2: Proper Placement of Your Space Heater

The strategic placement of your space heater correctly can significantly impact its efficiency and overall space heater cost.

Generally, you should position most space heaters away from windows and doors to minimise heat loss and maximise warmth. Placing the heater in a central location within the room ensures even heat distribution, which can reduce the amount of electricity used.

For the average household, understanding the actual cost of space heater use can help in managing energy bills. For instance, running a space heater for eight hours a day can use a lot of electricity, leading to higher electricity bills. By strategically placing your heater and using it only when necessary, you can achieve optimal heating without significantly increasing how much electricity you use or your running costs.

Tip 3: Use Thermostats and Timers

Utilising thermostats and timers with your electric space heater can greatly enhance energy efficiency and control electricity costs.

Setting your thermostat to a moderate temperature ensures that the heater only uses the necessary amount of electricity, reducing overall kilowatt-hour consumption. For the average household, this can result in significant savings over time. This is especially true when you compare it to using central heating throughout your whole home.

Time Your Electric Space Heater Usage

Timers are particularly useful for managing how long your space heater runs. By programming the heater to operate only during specific hours, you can avoid unnecessary energy use. Since heaters use a lot of energy, this approach helps manage costs, which can vary depending on usage patterns.

Understanding how much it costs to run a space heater can help you make informed decisions. A rough estimate shows that operating a heater for one hour can use a considerable amount of electricity, impacting your monthly bill.

Tip 4: Insulate and Seal The Rooms Of Your Home

Proper insulation is key to reducing your space heater’s energy consumption and lowering electricity costs. Insulating your home helps retain heat, reducing the need for continuous heater use. This is especially important in Australia, where many homes rely on natural gas or electric heaters during colder months.

Sealing gaps and cracks in your home is another effective way to conserve energy. Draughty windows and doors can let out warm air, making your heater work harder and consume more kilowatt-hours. By sealing these gaps, you can keep the warmth inside and reduce the amount of electricity needed. Given increasing electricity prices in Australia, this can lead to noticeable savings on your energy bill.

Cat wrapped up underneath a white rug with an electric space heater nearby

Tip 5: Regular Maintenance of Your Electric Heater

Regular maintenance is crucial for ensuring your space heater operates efficiently and safely.

Start by cleaning your heater regularly to prevent dust build-up, as this can hinder performance and increase how much electricity you use. A clean heater runs more effectively, using less energy and helping to keep your electricity bill in check.

Inspect For Wear and Tear

It’s also important to inspect your space heater for any signs of wear or damage. Check the power cord for fraying and ensure all components are in good working order. Identifying and addressing issues early can prevent costly repairs and maintain the heater’s efficiency, ultimately reducing energy consumption.

Consider seeking professional assistance should you notice any persistent problems when using a space heater. A technician can perform a thorough inspection and service, ensuring your heater operates at peak efficiency. Regular maintenance not only extends the life of your space heater but also contributes to cost savings by keeping energy usage low and preventing unexpected breakdowns.

Reduce Your Space Heater’s Electricity Usage Today!

Implementing these tips can significantly reduce your space heater’s electricity usage, leading to lower energy bills and a more sustainable home. By choosing the right heater, placing it strategically, using thermostats and timers, insulating your space, and performing regular maintenance, you can enjoy a warm and efficient household.

Remember, small changes can lead to significant cost savings over time. Take proactive steps today to optimise your space heater’s performance and benefit from reduced electricity consumption and expenses. Stay warm, save money, and contribute to a greener environment.

Please note: Thank you for reading our blog “5 Tips To Reduce Your Space Heater Electricity Usage”. This information is provided for advice purposes only. Regulations differ from state to state, so please consult your local authorities or an industry professional before proceeding with any work. See After Hours Air Conditioning’s Terms & Conditions here.

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